Blackmagic ATEM Television Studio Hire - £35/Day or £105/Week

Blackmagic ATEM Television Studio Hire - £35/Day or £105/Week

from £35.00

ATEM Television Studio is a full broadcast quality production switcher with real time H.264 encoding so you can capture live events directly to files for internet distribution. ATEM Television Studio includes 6 video inputs with both broadcast SDI and consumer HDMI inputs for cameras and computers. You get software control panel, chroma keyer, two media player frame-stores, downstream keyers, transitions and more.

Nb. Client must download the latest ATEM Switcher Control software, found here.

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Chord 2U Rack Bag, Blackmagic ATEM Power Cable, 2 x HDMI Cable, 2 x BNC Cable, USB Cable, Ethernet Cable

*Download the latest ATEM Switcher software from the Blackmagic website
**Additional cables available upon request